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COVID-19 Home Learning Ideas

Kia Ora Whaanau of Room 13,


What a challenging time ahead for us all...... please keep yourselves safe and well.  

Below are some suggestions for your children's learning at home.  There are also some links under the headings on our home page.  

We just wanted to know that we are thinking of you at this time and we are looking forward to seeing you all in hopefully the not to distant future.


Ngaa mihi nui,

Whaea Debbie and Whaea Tavoi


Remind your children of our school's values:


E= Excellent

R=Resilient (don't give up keep on trying)

O= Organised


Sounds: We have learnt the letters

s,a,t,i,p,n,ck,e,h,r,m  in class. Ask you child if they can remember the song that goes with each letter.

Example: My name is s, my sound is sssss, (seven slimy snakes sss x3) caterpillar c goes half around

(I will add these in later to help you if they can't quite remember the song)

Each letter song starts the same. My name is a, my sound is a, ants on the apple x3 caterpillar c go up and down

Your child's homework book also has an alphabet chart and other relevant pages such as poems, 100's chart etc that they can go through each day



Have you child think about an idea they would like to write about

Draw a picture that shows some detail about the idea

Form the message (a simple sentence) in their head, and repeat back twice.

Example:  I like to go shopping. The caterpillar was  on the leaf.

Write some basic words such as; the, is, and, a, me, like, to etc to support on paper.

Write out the alphabet letters  and give them a choice for example the word "go" is it this one  or this one

ggg for goat or this one ppp for pig. This will help the to see and hear the sound g/p g=g/for go

Remind them what goes at the END of a sentence when we have finished (full stop).

Make some flash cards of high Frequency Words (simple words we use most of the time): the, is, me, like, my, it, on, a, mum, dad etc and flash them up make the child repeat them. Make double copies and turn it into a game of snap when they see the same them to say it and snap!!!



Chances are they have no reader at home. Find what books you have within your home and read to your child.

Pick a nice quiet time and let them hear you read, they also learn through hearing what good reading is and sounds like. 

Talk and have discussions as you read....Ask them to make predictions about what they think may happen, discuss characters and the plot. Ask them to point out the first word, the last word, full stop. Change the ending of the story by being creative. Ask how do you know....Why do you think stories to prior knowledge you have that could be similar.



Count to 5 then 10, then 20.

Make attempts to write the written numeral down

Make flash cards with number 1-5 5-10 or 1-10

Hold each one up for no more than 3-5 seconds

Example: 6,2, 5,8,1 etc

Show me (students have to hold that many fingers up as you call out a number)

Show me 5, show me 4 show me 10  again not in order

Use a calendar (either hard copy or on your phone) to learn about time including talking about the seasons and other significant days in our year.

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