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We had fun trying the challenge of creating a ‘lolly tower’ with our friends.  The objective of this exercise was to make the tallest tower we could that would stand on its own.  It was great discussing and sharing ideas on what we thought would work the best!  Best of all, we got to eat the lollies at the end!!!

Tiny teddy bear houses

In Room 13 we love the challenge of STEM activities.

We had to make a house for a tiny teddy bear with a water proof roof.  Whaea Debbie gave us lots of maths materials to choose from (you could try this with objects from around your home!)
We decided at the end of the activity that it was certainly harder than it looked!  

Our Matariki Breakfast with Room 12!

In celebration of Matariki, Room 13 joined Room 12 for a yummy breakfast of sausages, eggs, spaghetti and bread. We each got a special Matariki star biscuit made by Room 12 also.

Thanks to Whaea Liddy and Whaea Debbie who made it happen! 

marshmallow constellations

Here we are pictured making constellations out of marshmallows and toothpicks. Can you spot any constellations that you know of?

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